弊社は昨年5月にマネジメント体制と組織構成を一新し、デジタルサービスの強化に大きく舵を切りました。 コロナで学習環境も大きく変わり、AI、5Gなどの技術の進展、「GIGAスクール構想」の加速など社会環境も整いつつある中で、デジタルでの学びはより重要なものとなっています。
Creating Innovative Learning Experiences for Each Individual Learner
Happy New Year! May 2021 be a wonderful year for you.
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic deeply affected the lives of people all over the world. I am truly grateful to those on the front lines continuing their fight against this virus.
Last year, ALC experienced important changes. In May, we renewed our management team and conducted organizational reforms. We decided to devote more resources on developing digital services.
These days, learning environments have been changing dramatically. The development of such technologies as AI and 5G as well as new government policies, such as the GIGA School Concept from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, have helped pave the way toward learning online and/or via digital devices. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused online and digital tools to become more important than ever.
Based on these recent trends and our “new ALC” strategy, last April, we released “booco,” a brand-new app for learning English. This March, we will launch another, more sophisticated service called “personal learning app, booco.” Using AI technology and the content from ALC’s best-selling books, the service will assist learners in acquiring English more effectively by themselves.
Last July, we also released a new app called “lispico” for preschool children learning English at home. Using the app, children can pick up English as they enjoy playing on a tablet and communicating with a stuffed animal via augmented reality (AR) technology.
To become the “best learning partner” for every individual learner, we at ALC will make continuous efforts to generate innovative services that best match current trends and the changing needs of learners while retaining our tradition of creating high-quality books and content.
We sincerely appreciate the continued support of all of our customers, business partners and supporters.